wow amazing music! I'm just wondering who did it, bc first off, if you listen closely, the music was ripped off of a song, and @ 1:46 you'll hear the ai artist sing with him bc probably the beat drop wouldnt have sounded as good without adding it in, so its mamish crazy what ai is doing to the music world, it really effects producers and composers, so i think as much as anyone can should comment like this if you hear an ai song, its actually disgusting, its effecting peoples parnasa, and we be"h should stop these artists from doing this!
doesn't sound professional
wow amazing music! I'm just wondering who did it, bc first off, if you listen closely, the music was ripped off of a song, and @ 1:46 you'll hear the ai artist sing with him bc probably the beat drop wouldnt have sounded as good without adding it in, so its mamish crazy what ai is doing to the music world, it really effects producers and composers, so i think as much as anyone can should comment like this if you hear an ai song, its actually disgusting, its effecting peoples parnasa, and we be"h should stop these artists from doing this!
Cute song!