Sruli Green - R' Levy YitzchokDec 18, 2022 Sruli Green - R' Levy Yitzchokשרולי גרין - ר' לוי יצחקComposed By The Blumstein BrothersMusic By Mendy PortnoyTo Download:Mp3Sruli Green - R' Levy Yitzchok.mp3Download MP3 • 11.08MBMp4Sruli Green - R' Levy Yitzchok.mp4Download MP4 • 53.12MBTo Watch:
Sruli Green - R' Levy Yitzchokשרולי גרין - ר' לוי יצחקComposed By The Blumstein BrothersMusic By Mendy PortnoyTo Download:Mp3Sruli Green - R' Levy Yitzchok.mp3Download MP3 • 11.08MBMp4Sruli Green - R' Levy Yitzchok.mp4Download MP4 • 53.12MBTo Watch:
i hope the "barditshever" will forgive him
This guy should be put in chairem. this is NOT #tyhnation
This song is sooo weird!! And I like how he's trying to make this the new #TYH
Great singer! But...
Pls remove all cool Visuals/efects/backgrounds etc and gimme some real breakdancing!!! Seriously.