could be he made the lyrics, but the songs are all old songs only the 5th is his (oy bashefer rachamim) the first 4 are 1)ah yiddele from isaac honig 2)yehuda leolam teisheiv 3)ani maamin from moshe goldman 4)the ribnitzer niggun
Okänd medlem
09 feb.
wow this is crazy!! i literally had tears in my eyes! master piece
SPEECHLESS. This is the most powerful songs I heard this year!
the music, the video, the lyrics! the whole production is phenomenal! this has such a powerful message! crazy!
and this was the perfect song for r' Adler, I'm assuming he composed it, bc it doesn't say who did
wow this is crazy!! i literally had tears in my eyes! master piece
can someone translate?
The oilom needs subtitles...