Issac Honig & Yisroel Adler - HadronAug 11, 2020 Issac Honig, Yisroel AdlerThe Shira Choir& Oros Band Lead by Shea BrimPresent a new 'Hadran' for the siyum of Maseches Shabbos in the Daf Hayomiprogram.Mp3Issac Honig & Yisroel Adler - Hadron.mp3Download MP3 • 9.03MBMp4
Issac Honig, Yisroel AdlerThe Shira Choir& Oros Band Lead by Shea BrimPresent a new 'Hadran' for the siyum of Maseches Shabbos in the Daf Hayomiprogram.Mp3Issac Honig & Yisroel Adler - Hadron.mp3Download MP3 • 9.03MBMp4