Benny Friedman & Yossi Hecht - Nothing Holding You BackDec 8, 2024 Benny Friedman & Yossi Hecht - Nothing Holding You Backבני פרידמן ויוסי הכט - Nothing Holding You BackComposed & Written By Chayala NeuhausArranged By Doni GrossTo Download:Mp3Benny Friedman and Yossi Hecht - Nothing Holding You Back.mp3Download MP3 • 9.69MBMp4Benny Friedman and Yossi Hecht - Nothing Holding You Back.mp4Download MP4 • 52.66MBTo Download: #BennyFriedman
Benny Friedman & Yossi Hecht - Nothing Holding You Backבני פרידמן ויוסי הכט - Nothing Holding You BackComposed & Written By Chayala NeuhausArranged By Doni GrossTo Download:Mp3Benny Friedman and Yossi Hecht - Nothing Holding You Back.mp3Download MP3 • 9.69MBMp4Benny Friedman and Yossi Hecht - Nothing Holding You Back.mp4Download MP4 • 52.66MBTo Download: #BennyFriedman
Benny gets it spot on every time. I've lost count what number single this is this year....
Can't wait for his album!
Incredible!! Every part of it. Tune, lyrics, vocals, music and video. Great song!
Once again a round of applause for Benny, Chayala and Doni!!!