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Avraham Fried - Mi Sheberach


Avraham Fried - Mi Sheberach

אברהם פריד - מי שברך לחיילי צה"ל

From the moment Yom Tov ended in New York, I’ve been trying to find words to convey to our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael. But the pain and shock has choked all words. At this time all our hearts are joined in prayer for the safety and well being of our brothers and sisters in EY, and for the heroic soldiers fighting to protect Am Yisrael, that they succeed speedily and return home safe and sound.

Speaking of the soldiers, I remembered that I have a song that I recorded a year or two ago with the prayer מי שברך for the soldiers. This for me is the best and only way to send my blessings to our dear soldiers and to tell them they are not alone.

Composed By Barak Roni

Music By Yuval Stupel

To Download:

To Listen:


14 comentarios

Eli P
13 oct 2023

may this lead to the geulah shelaima bimiheira biyameinu

Me gusta

13 oct 2023


Me gusta

12 oct 2023

Beautiful and heartwarming

Me gusta

may hashem destroy all our enemies

soldiers, you got thissss

Me gusta

music lover
12 oct 2023

so beautiful amazing that this song is already out and can comfort all of us

Me gusta

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