Very beautiful. I feel bad to say this, but I think it has to be said: the tefillin in the water is a lack of yiras hakavod.... what if it would have fallen into the water or gotten wet? They weren't on a boat, sach hakol they were on a little tiny kayak or whatever it's called. You would never bring a sefer torah into such a situation... obviously a sefer torah is a different story both ruchniyusdikly and practically, but just food for thought....
Very beautiful. I feel bad to say this, but I think it has to be said: the tefillin in the water is a lack of yiras hakavod.... what if it would have fallen into the water or gotten wet? They weren't on a boat, sach hakol they were on a little tiny kayak or whatever it's called. You would never bring a sefer torah into such a situation... obviously a sefer torah is a different story both ruchniyusdikly and practically, but just food for thought....
had me in tears