Abie Rottenberg & Shulem Lemmer - Butterfly
איבי רוטנברג & שלום למר - Butterfly
Composed & Lyrics By Abie Rottenberg
Arranged By Doni Gross
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To Listen:
VERSE 1: There are times when I stand by a mirror to take a close look at myself, and the face that I see, looking right back at me wishes it was someone else.
But there is only one you a fragment of light from above, that would joyfully serve and cling to Hashem if only it knew the depth of His love.
CHORUS 1: Time to leave your cocoon, my dear butterfly show yourself and the world just how very high you can fly, you can soar, once you unlock the door, and Hashem will be there at your side and Hashem will be there at your side.
VERSE 2: There are times when I hear music playing but it’s more a lament than a song, I’m so used to the pain of its tragic refrain that whispers “You don’t belong”.
But there is only one you a Neshoma most precious and sweet. Our lives are a chorus in praise of Hashem and when your voice is missing, the song’s incomplete.
CHORUS 2: It’s time to leave your cocoon, my dear butterfly show yourself and the world just how very high you can fly, you can soar, once you unlock the door, and Hashem will be there at your side and Hashem will be there at your side.
VERSE 3: I’ve been told every soul sent from heaven has its very own mountain to climb; though some do prevail, many stumble and fail and I know not which fate will be mine.
But there is only one you with a calling of your very own; the road may be long, a test of the heart but you’ll never, no, never, have to walk it alone.
CHORUS 3: Time to leave your cocoon, my dear butterfly show yourself and the world just how very high you can fly, you can soar, once you unlock the door, and Hashem will be there at your side yes, He’ll always be there at our side.
Why is video removed???
Its a Beautiful beautiful song